No matter what steps you have been through, it's time to turn the 'wheel' to find a better way and full of adventure. Road which will provide financial freedom, freedom of time, as well as beautiful scenery in your life. Welcome to be successful entrepreneurs .... Just do it and Enjoy! (Herry)


Myths About Becoming Entrepreneurs

Many myth or incorrect perception that a person believed to be becoming entrepreneurs, such as:

1. Talent and descendants?
Many people fail at starting a business because it was not talented. Talent does help people become entrepreneurs, but the talent is not everything for those who want to become entrepreneurs.
FACT: many successful entrepreneurs who originally it was forced.

2. Luck?
Being a successful entrepreneur is more due to luck factor.
FACT: if you are observant enough, to become a successful business can be started from the simplest like: simply by presenting a quality product and services and continue to increase your ability to market it. Aka Then you can reap many consumers.

3. Little Cheating?
In business not to be honest because the level of business competition is very fierce. Whatever may be done, as long as a profit.
FACT: The business must be conducted honestly and transparently. Because with it, customers will easily get all the information they want about your product.

4. Should Big Capital?
To start a business should be required big capital.
FACT: Capital foremost is the credibility and expertise you have. If there are others who recognize the expertise and your honesty, it is relatively easy to find capital.

5. Successful Entrepreneurs Never Make Mistakes?
FACT: successful entrepreneurs are always built its business with the 'fall-awake' and many have failed. but because they want to learn from failure, can finally achieve success.

6. It's All Material Benefits
One purpose of business is to achieve material gains as much as possible.
FACT: Businesses make us have many friends, relatives. Business provides many benefits to others. Business makes us become more mature and better.

7. As the End?
FACT: Building a business is the target of achieving financial freedom, freedom of time. If you make a business as an end, then you will be hard to let go of dependency on your business up and getting dragged to a desire that has no end


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